The legal framework regarding smoking and tobacco selling is under continuous modifications in Europe. Slovenia has also adopted new laws concerning this industry. The Ministry of Health in Slovenia has brought in discussion topics which are on the table of the World Health Organization (WHO). If you want to invest in the tobacco industry or you are already a tobacco seller in this state, you may discuss with one of our specialists in company formation in Slovenia about the most recent provisions adopted by the local government, regarding this topic.
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Requirements for selling tobacco in Slovenia
The Restriction on the Use of Tobacco and Related Products Act was amended by the Slovenian government on March 2017. The changes introduced, refer especially to the sale of tobacco in this country. These legal measures aim at implementing the European regulations such as the Directive 2014/40/EU concerning the prevention of young people from starting to smoke and the improvement of the health state of the population. Foreign investors in tobacco businesses as well as local ones, must equally comply with these provisions.
According to the new law, the flavorings included in tobacco products are not allowed anymore. Moreover, tobacco sellers have to modify the warning presentations included on the tobacco packages. Their placement and size relative to the package must change in order to increase visibility.
Our specialists in company registration in Slovenia can give you more details on the new provisions included in the 2017 tobacco law, concerning the licensing process.
More provisions regarding tobacco sale in Slovenia
If you want to open a company in Slovenia in the tobacco sector you should be up to date with the latest legal requirements imposed by the local government. Slovenia has adopted a ban on cross-border sale of tobacco. Products related to tobacco are also restricted from internet sale across the border.
Moreover the Tobacco law adopted in 2017 has introduced new licensing regulations for tobacco retailers. Fines given for incompliances with the law have doubled in order to ensure a successful implementation of the law in this country.
Feel free to contact our consultants in company formation in Slovenia in order to find out more information regarding the sale of tobacco and related products in this country.