The usage of e-payment services in Slovenia is increasing across all the generations of persons. Businessmen who are considering opening a company in Slovenia as an e-payment services business should be aware that the most preferred payment method was, at the level of 2015, the credit card (18% of the on-line Slovenian shoppers). The other two top e-payment methods were represented by online payment systems (15%) and debit cards. Our team of specialists in Slovenian company formation can assist with all the details for entering this activity.
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What are the main procedures for opening a Slovenian e-payment service company?
E-commerce businesses are rapidly developing at a global level, Slovenia being no exception in this case. Starting an e-payment service business can be an appealing idea for operating in this country, as all online shops will need to implement on their websites an e-payment platform. Our team of specialists in company registration in Slovenia can advise businessmen on the documents necessary for opening a company as an e-payment platform and can assist when registering with the local institutions; investors should also know that some of the most important aspects when entering this business sector are the following:
- • develop an e-payment processing software that can incorporate security measures, which are of high importance when paying using the internet;
- • investors can also purchase an e-payment processing software, in which case, they can set up their business operations much faster;
- • enter a partnership with a local bank – a compulsory procedure for all e-payment services providers in this country;
- • invest in the necessary equipment that would make the e-payment service platform compatible with a wide range of devices (laptops, computers, mobile phones, ATM terminals).
Who are the main users of e-payment services in Slovenia?
As mentioned earlier in the article, all categories of Slovenian citizens (based on their age group) are interested in purchasing goods and services by using the e-payment platforms. The highest increase was observed in the case of persons with an age of up to 55 years. Currently, in Slovenia, the highest development was observed in the case of the Z and Y generations – young persons with an age of maximum 35 years old (95% of them purchase goods using the internet).
It is also important to know that persons with an age of 36 to 70 years old are also interested in learning new technologies, which also applies to online shopping (most of the Slovenian credit card holders are persons included in this age category. Businessmen are invited to contact our team of consultants in company formation in Slovenia for further advice on how to enter an agreement with a local bank.